We have patched the issue and are monitoring our systems closely. We will provide an update as soon as the issue has been fully resolved.
Mar 28, 2025 - 03:01 UTC
Identified -
We have identified the cause of the issue, and our engineers are actively working towards a resolution. We will provide an update as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Mar 27, 2025 - 21:54 UTC
Investigating -
We are currently investigating the following issue::
Component(s): Creative SSL audit
Creatives are being wrongly flagged as SSL non-compliant leading to them not being able to spend
Not Impacted:
Ad Serving
Geolocation(s): Global (Global)
Status: We will provide an update as soon as more information is available. Thank you for your patience.
The incident has been fully resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience this issue may have caused, and thank you for your continued support.
Mar 22, 20:13 UTC
Update -
Log Level Data is now within SLA. Reporting data is still delayed. We are monitoring our systems closely and will provide an update as soon as the issue has been fully resolved.
Mar 22, 15:27 UTC
Monitoring -
We have patched the issue and are monitoring our systems closely.:
Component(s): Analytics reports, Log Level Data
Data delivery delayed for reporting and Log Level Data
Not Impacted:
Ad Serving
Geolocation(s): Global (Global)
Status: We will provide an update as soon as the issue has been fully resolved.
The incident has been fully resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience this issue may have caused, and thank you for your continued support.
Mar 14, 13:54 UTC
Monitoring -
We have patched the issue and are monitoring our systems closely. We will provide an update as soon as the issue has been fully resolved.
Mar 13, 13:24 UTC
Identified -
We have identified the cause of the issue, and our engineers are actively working towards a resolution. We will provide an update as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Mar 13, 10:53 UTC
Investigating -
We are currently investigating the following issue: some video creatives with a large size are failing the scans and therefore can't be saved.:
Component(s): Creative uploads
Unable to save/edit objects
Unable to upload or preview creatives
Not Impacted:
Ad Serving
Geolocation(s): North America - West Coast (LAX1), Asia Pacific (SIN3)
Status: We will provide an update as soon as more information is available. Thank you for your patience.